1. The number of showers I take a week is directly proportional to the number of non-swim training sessions I complete.
  2. The Missus has at least one reason to encourage me to train. Obviously.
  3. The number of disgusting items abandoned in the laundry room and various showers to be worn again before washing is directly proportional to the number of non-swim training sessions I complete.
  4. I don’t care how bad it stinks–I’m just going to stink it up again. So unless it runs away when I try to pick it up and wear it, I’ll wear it again.
  5. The Missus has at least one reason to discourage me from training. Obviously.
  6. When The Missus informs me that I have fresh, clean gear, it is more beneficial politically to simply say, “Thank You!” instead of “Well, I’ll enjoy that for a half mile or so until it’s just as disgusting as it was.”