Doing More With Less Since 1972

Tag: googlewave

Stuff You Should See– January 3rd through January 5th

Facebook blocks ‘Web 2.0 Suicide Machine’ – All of your facebooks are belong to Facebook. Got it? for Foursquare – Since Orlando is so close, I've had a chance to mess with Foursquare some. Not that there's really anything huge going on in Melbourne, but it's close enough. Here, you get to be the Mayor of places like Publix and Panera (although I'm the current Long Doggers Mayor as well), and I don't think many other people in this little village are playing along. But photo checkin is a really cool idea for places like Sea World and IKEA, where I actually have taken some photos and almost forgot to 4S checkin.

WordPress 2.9.1 – This is supposed to fix some pingback issues. I've been using Delicious to auto-generate a lot of posts based on stuff I bookmark, and I've noticed that my posts don't seem to ping the other blogs I've linked to the same way they would if I wrote a post in the editor. Not sure why this would happen, since the ping is supposed to happen at publish time. Hopefully this was just a WordPress issue and is resolved.

Facebook Rolling Out Redesign To Some Users – I'm trying to quickly set the over/under on how long it will be until I see the first post in my FB feed of someone complaining about the new layout. Tentative line is 35 hours.

Some Google Wave Bots – I suspect lots of people got busy at the end of the year and the Google Wave hoopla died down. It may be coming back big this year, and here's a list of useful bots to add to your account. If you're on Wave, let's make an effort to communicate that way!

George F. Will – Catastrophe and survival – Read it. Again.

Do More, Buy Less – A huge positive from a recession. This goes hand in hand with the fact that people are saving more. I'm still amazed that people at the top continue to contend that the answer is to "get credit flowing again." Well, I'm not really shocked that they say it. That's what benefits them and their friends. But I am amazed that so many people buy it hook line and sinker.

Google and HTC Working On a Chrome OS Tablet – Want.

Delicious Link Dump– October 13th through October 16th

Clean Your Computer Screen From The Inside – It really works!!!

Paranormal Activity –Don’t Need To See It – I’m a scary-movie-wimp. I hate them. I’d rather just read spoilers (like this one) and know that it would scare me if I saw it.

John Mayer’s Hilarious Political Answers – I’m actually liking this guy more after reading this interview. Yeah, he’s conceited, but guess what….he really IS an effing great guitar player. Flaunt it!

Google Should Stop Playing Around With Wave and Focus on Spreadsheet – I have to say, this is dead on.

Social Media Venn Diagram – I was going to post this to Facebook, but knew I’d get more attention with it on Twitter. I hope this guy makes a million bucks.

Eating practices of the best endurance athletes in the world – No wonder I can’t run like a Kenyan. I can’t even EAT like a Kenyan.

Remove RelevantKnowledge – This has to be the worst piece of crapware ever. Not sure how I ended up with it, but it makes your machine crawl. I was able to uninstall through Add/Remove Programs, but this guide should help you if you aren’t able to handle it there.

Delicious Link Dump– October 12th through October 13th

We Learned Good From The Romans

We look back at the Roman epoch with a sense of relief. We’ve learned so much since then. No longer do we consider our leaders to be gods among men. No longer do we hand them unearned and meretricious awards and prizes. We don’t turn on and destroy members of previous administrations. We don’t tolerate incompetent and corrupt sycophants in high office. We’ve learned to recognize disorders such as pathological narcissism and assure that the victims do not gain high office. Any president who placed his prestige on the line with an athletic contest would be laughed to scorn.

The Wrong Way To Pass A Class – Unfortunately, I think it may still work in many cases. This guy can probably pull on his own and doesn’t need any help from a strumpet like her. Good for him.

Business School For Free On iTunes – You even get a voice recording of someone reading a diploma at the end.

Death by Spork Would Be Torture in Deleware – The best outcome for this kid would be to NOT have to return to this band of idiots to be “educated”.

Pitfalls and Perils of Blogging – Some stuff to think about.

Willie Nelson’s Got a New Broadband Plan – It looks like a box full of networking equipment, but really you just put your weed in there.

Sifting Mountains of Data – When I retire, I’m going to sit on my back porch and whittle on data. All. Day. Long.

Digital Passive-Aggressive Communication – This articulates something I’ve been saying much better than I can articulate it myself. Wave combines the rapid fire communication of Twitter with the give and take (or “ignore”) of email. It just needs to be beefier at this point, and we need to train our brains to use it.

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