Doing More With Less Since 1972

Tag: leadership

Daily Reading List — January 14th

Mobile app playbook: Lessons learned | Twitter Blogs

Ex-Vols star Shazzon Bradley knows secrets of security – No way Shazzon Bradley remembers me, but I worked out with him a little at Golden Gloves in the 90s. When I say "worked out", I basically mean that I let him go in front of me at the water fountain.

He is one of the most polite, genuine, and nicest people I've ever met. This article is a few years old, but I'm so happy to see that he is doing well and living an exemplary life. He deserves it!

For Rugby Post-Match Social Stumbling: Mouthguard Detects Severity Blows To The Head – Could have used one of these when I was playing rugby more regularly. I'm not sure how much benefit it would have provided for the matches themselves, but would have definitely been handy stumbling around at post-game socials.

Only 8% of Leaders Are Good at Both Strategy and Execution

How to Send Your Computer’s Audio to a Chromecast – *Not available for Chrome OS

6 Fictional Lands We Should Bomb Once We’re Done With Agrabah – I would add wherever the Princess Bride is supposed to be and the entire WWE Universe.

7 Steps to Make Your Business Introvert Friendly |

Handy Home Improvement Cost Estimates

Vegas Man. Poop. Thieves.

If You Like Student Loan Debt (and maps) You’ll Love This

Vitamins Vodka And Caffeinated Peanut Butter – I can't tell which of these two I'm more excited about.

Vegas Headline Generator: Man…Extortion…Videotaped…Stripper…Sex…Guilty – The headline for this story happens to have all of them.

How to Fart in Public and Get Away with It – These are rookie tactics at best. I have the real goods, and there's no way I'm going to divulge my best tips to the whole world. I'll give up one though–if there's a pet hamster around, it's pretty easy to pass the blame on to them.


52 Of The World’s Most Widespread Myths And Misconceptions, Debunked – Still no debunking of the "more-calories-to-digest-Cap'n-Crunch" theory. So it stands on its own, not yet disproven.

Up Goer Five – Hat tip to Seth Godin for pointing this out, even though it showed up in my feed reader.

Daily Reading List — December 18th

The 16 Best Books Read by the AoM Team in 2014 – Need to get my nose back into some books as well now that things have settled down with the move a little.

Why a Hyped New Lottery Game Went Bust in a Hurry – If only they'd rented a hot air balloon…

App Calculates Where You Need To Go And Sends You A Bike Or A Tesla In Five Minutes – I got to go by and see Shift's place a couple of weeks ago, and they have a really cool model. One of the most innovative ideas they have is to include Shift memberships as part of ownership in high-rise condos–saving the builders a big chunk on dedicated parking spaces for each tenant, and eliminating the need of car ownership for residents. There would always be an appropriate vehicle available for use in your building's garage if you had to drive.

Finding the Right Metaphor – This one resonated with me like an episode of Grizzly Adams!

Can IBM’s Mountain Of Data Fix Your Email Nightmare? – "Everyone is doing something about solving email nightmares. Except the people who are responsible for causing email nightmares." Mark Twain (paraphrased)

An Exercise to Become a More Powerful Listener – Wait…what'd you say?

5 Sun Belt Getaways for Trail Runners – Coming to an out of shape jabroni like me this weekend!

F1 Race in Las Vegas? – I'm not big on auto racing at all. But..

This. Would. Be. Awsum.

Stuff You Should See– January 15th through January 26th

Celebrity Rehab 3 – Take it day by day. If you can go the whole season without watching an episode, more power to you. But I'll bet you a cold cold beer you can't do it.

Mardi Gras 1956 – This is cool. I haven't been to New Orleans in 6 or 7 years. This makes me want to go back. Not for Mardi Gras, but I still want to go back.

Lost Fans Soon To Be More Annoying – I can't wait to hypothesize on Twitter. For hours.

Trees toppling in national park kills – Wow….this is really sad and such a freak accident. You don't think about things like this happening.

Lane Kiffin Dirt and Cover Up – I've heard for a while there is some of this type stuff out there, but haven't seen anything other than stuff on message boards. I run a message board and can attest that it's not much more than a bunch of monkeys banging on keyboards. But once a blogger takes the time to type it up…maybe there's something to it. Interesting!

Background Apps To The iPhone? – An Apple fan girl told me this already existed. I guess not. I have to say, I LOVE having the ability to stream Pandora and run a Cardio program simultaneously while I'm running. It works just like you'd think it would. Cardio lowers the volume of Pandora to give you distance and pace, and raises the volume back when it's finished.

Dysfunctional Leadership Quotes – It's funny to read this and know that somewhere out there, there are even worse examples of leadership than those described here. LOL!

Venues Can Display Foursquare Mayors – It will be awesome when I'm featured on the WalMart, Publix, Panera, and IKEA websites. You may already believe that's me on the Sea World site when you visit, but that's an actual whale.

15 Steps to Cultivate Lifelong Learning – Very nice article here. Even though I sort of know all of these things intuitively, I need to be more active in implementing some of them.

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