Twitter’s traffic in trouble? – Scoble has a ton of advice for Twitter. My advice for Twitter: be Twitter and nothing else. Get rid of the 140 character limit? No way! Add comments? No way! Besides, do we really think Twitter could implement all these things without Fail Whaling left and right. Just be Twitter and be good at it, thanks!

Lang Wiseman: Vols | Kansas – DISCLAIMER: Lang Wiseman is one of my all-time favorite basketball players. I was at U.T. during the Wade Houston era, and it was pretty easy to tell at that time who was giving effort and who wasn’t. When Wiseman starts giving out ‘atta boys for hard work and determination, he’s doing it from an experienced perspective. HT Silence.

Netflix might still be coming to the Wii – That’d be cool with me.

Annoying Facebook Friends and Profiles – I’m like the Sybil of Facebook, with apparently at least 18 different personalities.

The Geography of Recession – I feel much better knowing we have a connected river system. For a minute there I was like, “whoa!”. Seriously, this is a pretty interesting take on the economic systems of different geographic areas.

What Your Bra Color Facebook Status Update Says About You – I’m glad I’ve yet to participate in the phenomenon.