8 of the Best Hikes Close to the Valley – Going to make a big dent in this list soon

How to Make Your Own Bitters for a Signature Stamp on Every Cocktail – Easier than home brewing. And gluten free!

The Most Violent Man in Wrestling Lays Down His Staple Gun « – New Jack. One scary dude.

This is What Happens to Your Body When You Stop Exercising – The biggest reason I clicked on this article was because I expected to see a picture of me on such a popular site.

Very disappointing.

How to Make Flavored Spirits That Are Way Tastier Than Store-Bought – Some good tips here. None of my previous attempts have been widely successful, but I haven't had anything come out undrinkable either.


3 Families Every Young Man Needs – Worth your while to read the whole thing.

The Next Wave Of Enterprise Software Powered By Machine Learning – Some pie in the sky here, but I hope it pans out. There are several industries I can think of off the top of my head that are ripe for disruption *coughcough*

It’s Your Fault Email Is Broken – Limiting participation seems to work pretty well. Soon people start realizing that's just not the best way to communicate with you. That, or stuff gets solved without you intervening.

Either way…