Doing More With Less Since 1972

Category: Watching (Page 5 of 9)

Chantix – The Happy Fun Ball of Stop Smoking

Heard this disclaimer as read by Boortz…hilarious! Nineteen seconds of commercial, followed by a lot of disclaimer, followed by another 20 seconds or so of commercial. It may be safer just to keep smoking.

It reminds me of the old SNL Happy Fun Ball commercial:

Kid 1: It’s happy!

Kid 2: It’s fun!

All Three Kids: It’s Happy Fun Ball!

Announcer: Yes, it’s Happy Fun Ball! The toy sensation that’s sweeping the nation! Only $14.95 at participating stores! Get one today!

Warning: Pregnant women, the elderly, and children under 10 should avoid prolonged exposure to Happy Fun Ball.

Caution: Happy Fun Ball may suddenly accelerate to dangerous speeds.

Happy Fun Ball contains a liquid core, which, if exposed due to rupture, should not be touched, inhaled, or looked at.

Do not use Happy Fun Ball on concrete.

Discontinue use of Happy Fun Ball if any of the following occurs: itching, vertigo, dizziness, tingling in extremities, loss of balance or coordination, slurred speech, temporary blindness, profuse sweating, or heart palpitations.

If Happy Fun Ball begins to smoke, get away immediately. Seek shelter and cover head.

Happy Fun Ball may stick to certain types of skin.

When not in use, Happy Fun Ball should be returned to its special container and kept under refrigeration. Failure to do so relieves the makers of Happy Fun Ball, Wacky Products Incorporated, and its parent company, Global Chemical Unlimited, of any and all liability.

Ingredients of Happy Fun Ball include an unknown glowing green substance which fell to Earth, presumably from outer space.

Happy Fun Ball has been shipped to our troops in Saudi Arabia and is being dropped by our warplanes on Iraq.

Do not taunt Happy Fun Ball.

Happy Fun Ball comes with a lifetime warranty.

Announcer: Happy Fun Ball! Accept no substitutes!


NASA Robot Coolness

The SIL sent me this cool behind-the-scenes video of AstroRobonaut. COOL!

Kind of makes you think that maybe there really are viable alternatives to manned space flight. As you can see in the video, this thing has some pretty fine motor skills.

I think we need a whole army of these to be built to fight the wild herd of Space Bigfoots that threaten our freedom.

Defenders against Space Bigfoots

Our defenders against the Space Bigfoot threat

I Finally Care About LeBron James

I’ve been vaguely aware of all of the hype and discussion going on over the past couple of weeks. The outrage has been hard to ignore, even without having cable TV. But learning that Lebron has joined Kevin Nash and Scott Hall as one of the founding members of the NWO…well, I may have to find a way to watch Dubya See Dubya again on Monday nights for Nitro!

When you’re NWO brother, you’re NWO 4-Life!

Finally, rasslin’ is going to be good again.

Best While-You-Work Television Ever

If you have multiple monitors, there’s nothing better than throwing the live coverage of the Tour de France onto one of the screens to listen to the race in the mornings and glance over to see what the announcers are talking about when you hear excitement in their voices. This is the only televised sporting event I really care about watching (or listening to) live.

I don’t care if they are on steroids, HGH, doped blood, meth, or monkey dung. They still have to get on those bikes and ride them a long way up some steep mountains. And since everyone is cheating anyway, the playing field is level, right?

It’s going to be nice to listen to something besides talk radio and Texas country music for a couple of weeks.

Here’s the stage schedule.


Those  greedy fat cats over at Versus are charging to follow the tour online this year. How dare they try to make a profit on an event held in a socialist democracy! The Tour belongs to the people and accounts of it may not be produced without the express written consent of the NFL and commissioner Pete Rozell.

What Is Your Swim Goal?

The plan for today’s swim was to warmup with a 300sw/100kick/100sw. Then some sprints, 4×200, and a 200 swim down. The warmup was so atrocious that I changed my plan–technique was all over the place and I felt like I was kicking to stand still on the kick part of the warmup. Instead of the 4×200 I decided to do a straight 800 and try to find an even stride. I sort of zoned out for the whole middle portion of the swim, so I guess it worked.


When I finished my 800 and was checking my HR, the lifeguard at the pool asked me, “What’s your swim goal?” He was asking because he noticed my soft kick off the side at the end of each length, and once I told him I was training for open water tris he understood why I was taking it easy on the turns. But still, it was a good question, and it gave me some things to think about and focus on during my swim down.

What are my goals, really?

  • keep my heart rate at 120-130 during the race
  • find someone to draft as much as possible
  • make it through the swim with as few strokes possible (stay on course)

Ultimately, I would like to duplicate my best in-race swim ever if possible. The only thing I really remember about that swim was getting out of the water with a huge smile on my face and thinking, “This is really going to happen!”

The Shuttle Video You Really Wanted To See

Here’s my buddy Sam on NASA TV talking about the batteries the latest shuttle mission took up to the International Space Station. It’s ok…I zoned out a little when he was giving the dimensions too. I woke up when I heard about the nickel hydrogen cells. But after that it was all “blah blah blah….lasers….blah blah blah….ball bearings”.

Lasers and ball bearings are what basically run the whole shuttle.

Sam’s a super smart guy–the first person I consult whenever I have a battery question or can’t find my charger.

Just kidding you, Sam. As I’ve said before, I’m pretty much in awe of anyone who work in the space program. To me, it’s as if each of them could build a shuttle by hand all by themselves. Hopefully, the fact that both of my readers will now see this video will help propel you to fame!

My Reaction To The Lost Finale

True, I haven’t seen it yet, but here are a few excerpts from my prepared statements…

“See, I KNEW it!!!! I had that figured out during Season 1”

“Wow, didn’t see that coming.”

“They didn’t answer all of my questions. Of course, every question they answer would just lead to a new question.”

“It wasn’t as bad as the Seinfeld finale, but it wasn’t as good as The Wire’s finale.”

“Finally, I can concentrate on my unanswered questions from The Tudors…I have no idea what’s going to happen on that show.”

“That’s a lot of cheering.”

I may cut that last comment out of my remarks when I deliver them live.

Space Shuttle STS-132 Video (Kinda)

We were lucky enough to get to watch the launch on Friday from the causeway, and I’ve already been asked by one loyal reader if there was any launch video. Sadly, I don’t have any from this launch. However, I do have the following video provided by the sister-in-law. Enjoy.

Florida Ironman 70.3 Triathlon (As a spectator)

Florida Ironman 70.3 2010

I went over to Orlando yesterday morning with one of my buddies to watch another friend compete in the Florida 70.3 triathlon put on by IronMan at Disney. It was absolutely amazing. I’ve done triathlons myself, but I’ve never gone to see one as a spectator. When you are competing, you’re pretty focused on yourself and what you need to do, so it’s hard to take in the whole event. Even if you aren’t personally into endurance competitions, it’s something I’d recommend going to see once in your life.

It was completely inspiring.

It’s hard to say what the best part of the race was. It may have been watching competitors complete the 1.2 mile swim just before the cutoff time–one lady exited the water with a huge smile and obvious sense of accomplishment on her face, and stopped and broke into tears as soon as she crossed the timing mat.

It was also great to see so many people of different ages and body types doing the race. There were very few elite athletes in the 2,000 person field. They were mostly regular people who have decided to sacrifice a lot of time and effort to take on a race this size knowing they’ll have to make it work around the rest of their lives. As my buddy who went to watch with me noted, “I bet there are so many great stories here.”

After seeing another competitor with only one arm exiting the swim, and yet another getting ready to run with two prosthetic legs and 1.5 arms, you realize that anybody can do a this. All that matters is whether or not you think you can.

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