Scott Adcox

Doing More With Less Since 1972

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Improving Meetings

Seth Godin:

If you’re serious about solving your meeting problem, getting things done and saving time, try this for one week. If it doesn’t work, I’ll be happy to give you a full refund.

I’ll add one–provide rotten fruit to throw at people who believe the purpose of a meeting is to read their Power Point novels aloud.

A Shout Out

Fearing job losses, US workers forgo benefits.

For their part, many managers are doing little to calm those concerns, human resource consultants say. They tend to view options such as flex-time and telecommuting as retention tools, experts say, and in recessions, fear of unemployment is just as effective.

As a telecommuter, I’m happy to report I haven’t encountered this type of reaction from my management. My sources at some of my former places of employment tell me that this article is pretty accurate in some cases though.

Why Not Limit Pay for NFL, NBA, MLB?


“How hard can it be to show up on Sunday and toss a few passes?” said Mr. Gibbs. “The fact that some people earn a lot more money than others just demonstrates the savage inequalities inherent in a capitalist system, and explains why the president has taken deliberate action to end it.”

We Don’t Need No Stinking Constitution » The alarm of tyranny tolls.

Among the most important of reasons for which we have a Constitution is to protect the unpopular from the torrent of popular opinion. It, after all, is the heinous derelict who is most in need of a fair trial to protect him from the posse, or the unpopular opinion that most requires the freedom of speech.

I was very disappointed in my Congressman, Jimmy Duncan, for voting for this. Marsh Blackburn is the only representative from TN who voted against it.

A Whole New Department for Food Safety?

Bill could affect gardens, farmers markets, CSAs, and more.

Designating the Food Safety Administration (FSA) as sole regulator of food safety rather than the individual states, including granting FSA the power to implement and administer a “national system for regular unannounced inspection of food establishments” under its own terms. (“Food establishment” is so broadly defined in the bill that it can be anything from a meat packing plant to a backyard garden.)

As a “little guy”, I’ll let the rest of you “little guys” in on a secret…

Bigger government (more regulation) is not good for you. It only helps those big enough to  bankroll compliance with the regulations maintain their market share and take yours as well.

Blogger Meetup with Zach Wamp

Congressman and Tennessee gubernatorial candidate Zach Wamp met with a group of conservative bloggers in Alcoa Monday night.

Disclaimer: I cringe a little at the word “conservative”. I consider myself to be a true “liberal” since I love liberty (socially and fiscally), and am a little bitter that the word has been hijacked. I’ll be glad when they transform themselves completely into “progressives” so we can have “liberal” back.

Anyway,  here are my thoughts from the meeting with Congressman Wamp.

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