Doing More With Less Since 1972

Tag: android (Page 3 of 3)

Tracking Diet AND Fitness

lance_armstrong_livestrongIf you haven’t checked out Livestrong, it’s the best site I’ve seen so far for tracking everything. They even have sports (like rugby) listed so that you can just pop in the amount of time you spent playing it will throw it into your calorie track. Lots of foods are already logged there, so just type in what you ate and it will more than likely show up. It also lets you group together common meals you eat and recommends healthier food choices.

There’s an active community there, and they also have really cool programs called “Dares” set up that allow you to join in and participate.

Success is much easier when you are quantifying everything. They have Facebook integration and an iPhone app, and I hope there’s an Android app coming out soon.

Other cool features–a water tracker in the sidebar that lets you hit a button and claim hydration. It’s actually a great motivator to drink more water.

iPhone Choke Hold on Carriers

I keep up with technology, but I’m usually a little late to enter the market on gadgets. I usually prefer to wait to see what kind of devices spring up from competition. In this case, I’m waiting on the Android Hero from Sprint (low cost) instead of jumping onto the iPhone and being forced into a contract with AT&T. Turns out, they may be happy at least one high bandwidth user didn’t sign up with them.

In addition to these issues, Strand Consult also notes that the iPhone only attracts a limited market segment and one in which customers already were heavy data users…so they’re not actually bringing in that much new revenue via their iPhone data plans. Meanwhile, flat rate data plans mean that the “high data consumption results in high production costs without the corresponding increased revenue.”

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