Doing More With Less Since 1972

Tag: programming

Daily Reading List — July 11th

A Brief History Of Rugby Teams Trying To Respond To The Haka

Jiu Jitsu Will Teach You To Love Your Body No Matter What It Looks Like – It doesn’t hurt to be at your lifetime peak of rippedness at 44 either.

Top 100 Companies in 2017 Forbes Global 2000 shown in D3 Bubble

How it feels to learn JavaScript in 2016 – Hacker Noon – This is so 2016. No one has conversations like this in 2017.

State Word Map – Flarda is Misspelled – Best xkcd in a while. But they misspelled Flarda.

Second-Order Consequences of Self-Driving Vehicles – I’m long on alcohol stocks for sure. That’s in my fantasy trading account of course.

Why you think you’re getting worse

Wrestling’s Superstars Are Invading Hollywood – Don’t be tricked into paying your hard-earned money to see a John Cena movie. You can’t see him!
*ba dum chh*

Daily Reading List — June 5th

Android vs. The iPhone: It’s All About The Cloud – Um…yeah. I'm a little shocked to read this epiphany from a tech writer who didn't realize this difference years ago. Am I taking it for granted that people understand the difference between Apple and Google's focus?

4 Habits Of The Most Resilient People – There's actually a 5th habit: Habitually post motivational posters/quotes to social media.

Sharks & Minnows – Punching and kicking on purpose isn't acceptable on the swim–too dangerous for everyone involved. On the other hand, as the guy who once grabbed my ankle and used me to pull himself forward found out the hard way, I ain't no punk either.

The 9 Biggest Reasons to Embrace Solo Running – I'm mostly a solo runner. The only downside to running solo for me is that I'm the only person I get to spend the time with. I don't like myself as much as I do my running partners 100% of the time.

As IT’s industrial age ends, the humanist era begins – Power to the people!

Remember when Mark Zuckerberg gave New Jersey schools $100 million? OOPS!!! – Fortunately for Zuckerberg, all most people are going to remember is that he wrote the check. #ForTheChildren

Roku Remote Stopped Working – Easy Solution – I love the internet on most days. Today is one of those days.

A Bachelor’s Level Computer Science Program Curriculum – If you want to learn it, here you go. Good for review too. And there are countless other resources available as well!!!

Chicago halts Uber try at airport pickups – Translation: taxi companies and airport upset that people don't like price fixing.

Triathlon, Do You Live And Die By It? – Anyone who ever accused me of this isn't aware of my results. Still, I could benefit from a healthy dose of it right about now.

What Ancient Cave Paintings And Teen Spirit Teach Us About Where Social Media Is Going – Of course, everything is alternative. Until it isn't.

Daily Reading List — September 11th

Ten amazing why-didn’t-I-think-of-that organization solutions – Looking for organization ideas? Here are some dang good 'uns.

Of Men and Manhood: A Virile Collection of Quotes – I almost…almost…wish I had at least one son so I could do something about this. It would be nice for my girls to grow up in a world with more manly men around. Maybe those of us with daughters should start a club dedicated to masulinifying (is that a word? It should be) as many as we can.

Ben Tameifuna and Jamie Mackintosh banned for old school rucking – The business side of the boots kept the game safe and moving along at one point in time. When you knew you had skin in the game, literally, for killing the play, you thought twice about it.

Warms my heart to see a guy get what he deserves. Counting down the days to uncontested scrums.

Banned from Theme Parks – Going down a water slide head first at Whitewater Atlanta may get you escorted out. That's what my, um, friend told me.

To my daughter’s high school programming teacher – With three daughters myself, I'd just like to say, "Visual Basic?! Seriously?!"

Daily Reading List — January 18th

Duolingo – One more foreign language resource. I like this one the best of all the ones I've tried so far.

The Predecessor To Google Books, Facebook Graph Search, And–In The Early 1900s – Long read, but very cool

Facebook Graph Search: Noisier And Nosier Than Ever – Now that's what I'm sayin'. Facebook's Graph search is big. But I can't help but think it's a sword without a hilt (gratuitous GOT reference). In related news, I deleted my Instagram account this week. I miss it about this much ||.

Hack Design Teaches Design To Hackers – I really need this. Like 9 years ago.

I’m reading– January 6th through January 10th

Katherine Coble on College Debt: – “…the Student Loan is in many ways the new subprime mortgage.” Yeah, except you can bankrupt a sub-prime mortgage. This needs to be hammered home.

The Explosion In Sudden-Loan Debt – “…unlike a mortgage, in which a borrower can refinance or—at worst—face foreclosure and bankruptcy, student loans do not go away.” I wonder what percentage of borrowers are aware of that little gotcha when they are sold student loans as “investments”. Debt == Bad.

A Beginner’s Guide to Setting Up a Treadmill Desk – Thankfully, there’s no article on setting up a spin-desk. That would give me one less excuse.

10 bizarre side effects of exercise – I can think of a few others, but they aren’t topics for polite company.

People Who Drink More Exercise More – Playing rugby with commitment is the most grueling thing I’ve ever done physically. Just saying. Still not sure what excuse all the guys with sketchy practice attendance will use though.

Why Programmers Suck at CSS – I plan on using this, like, A LOT! Hope I don’t gang aft agley.

Stuff You Should See– June 29th through July 29th

Free Nature Work/Sleep Mix You Control – Awesome…sometime music is too distracting. Want to try an mp3 for running.

Gmote Turns Your Android Phone Into a Remote Control for Your PC

TweetEffect- When did you lose or gain twitter followers?

FreshBooks – Online Invoicing, Time Tracking & Billing Software – Pretty cool for people who are one man shows.

Hey, Michael Moore, I’m calling you out – Random Mumblings – Big stick time.

Shit My Kids Ruined – I caint have nuthin' nice.

Appcelerator Developer Center – This looks cool…write your app in JavaScript and Appcelerator maps it to native code for multiple mobile platforms. Hmm…..

101 Fast Recipes for Grilling – Grillicious! Can't wait to get back to regular grilling. And by that I mean entertaining the kids in the pool while the real grill master does her thing.

Dishwasher Rules to Clean By – The "Quick Rinse" is my new favorite dishwasher feature.

Fannie Mae Cracks Down on Strategic Default – Do you really need someone to tell you that "strategically" defaulting on a mortgage is wrong? Sorry, but I don't feel pity for someone who is behind on their mortgage while they have sea doos and dirt bikes in their garage.

Delicious Link Dump– December 22nd through December 28th

2009: The Year of the Failed Narratives – I love story time! I have to admit that I'm a little disappointed that none of the stuff they are trying to sell us involves dragons or unicorns. I mean, if we're going to write fiction, let's go all the way with it.

Ghetto Kool-Aid – The word "ghetto" is over-used. The word "Kool-Aid", however, is not.

The New Flight Security Rules, So Far – When you can count on showing up for a flight four hours early, not being allowed to access your carry-ons (the whole purpose for carrying things on when you have children), not being able to hold objects in your lap (try explaining that to a toddler), and not being able to go to the restroom for the last hour of the flight…why on earth would anyone fly anywhere with kids? This will definitely be changing our travel plans in the future.

Is cable worth it? – Not even if they paid you to watch the commercials

Top 10 Bad Things That Are Good For You – I don't set things on fire and put them in my mouth, so weed is out. Can I double down on the beer instead? And I won't need the LSD to counter the extra beer for a few years. I won't knock the maggots until I've tried them.

Obama, Left Behind – What he really needs to fix this is a new web site and a fresh Twitter account. They'll be back in no time.

Mortgage Applications Drop to 2-Month Low – I have to believe this is mostly due to the fact that people are hanging out waiting on short sale approval letters. *hint hint*

Learn to Let Go: How Success Killed Duke Nukem – Shake it baby! This is the first and only shoot 'em game I ever bought, but it was pretty good. I'm not that into video games, so I didn't really keep up with the drama that was the continual delayed release of the sequel.

Stripper For Christmas – Ho Ho Ho! Yeah, that wasn't very original.

Delicious Link Dump– November 5th through November 9th

We Need Your Help Finding The Savings – I think I caught the gist of the bill in the first few words where it says, "and for other purposes".

That’s a cannon of a pistol | No Silence Here | – The ever-accurate media.

android-scripting – I can't wait until I have some time. And my device gets upgraded to Android 2.0

The woman who stopped a mass murderer – Here here.

WordCamp Orlando 12.05.09 – I plan to attend this…unless there's a rugby coaching clinic that weekend. Please tell me there isn't a rugby coaching clinic that weekend. Please, just tell me SOMETHING about the coaching clinic schedule. Please.

Galco’s Soda Pop Stop – So cool. I saw a video on the owner linked from Seth Godin. I love to see people doing stuff like this. There's a guy right down the street with a little business called Mailman Joey's who sells specialty sodas as well. How's this for a rule for your kids–you can only have soda that comes in a glass bottle and is made with real cane sugar. That's my new rule for me anyway.

Sen. Burris Cites Unwritten Constitutional ‘Health’ Provision to Justify Forcing Americans to Buy Health Insurance – Come on. You didn't really expect him to know what the Constitution says did you?

Tale of Two Omars – Omar Comin'!!!!

Delicious Link Dump– October 20th through October 23rd

VS 2010 Code Intellisense Improvements – This is really good for me. I’m still not familiar enough with the C# namespace, and I’m not in it enough every day that that will be improving any time soon.

Notes from the Road – Really nice travel/photo site. I could spend lots of time here.

UK’s streets of no shame – When I was in Cardiff, it was only the men who were acting like this. How times have changed.

Bing Twitter – Test drive Bing’s real time search of Twitter here. It’s about to get interesting.

We’re Not The Men We Used To Be – The average man was faster than Usain Bolt 20,000 years ago? Man, I miss out on all the good stuff.

35 Year Ban Proposed For Offshore Bottom Fishing – This doesn’t sound good. I thought we only had 50 days to do something about climate change. Now we’re thinking about 35 year bans?

iDrinkCoaster – “I’ve seen koalas drink faster than you”. Technology is a beautiful thing.

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